导演:Mic Graves
Elliott from Earth is a 16 x 11-minute animated sci-fi comedy about a boy and his mum who find themselves suddenly transported somewhere across the universe surrounded by an amazing array of aliens from new and unknown corners of the galaxy. While trying to work out who brought them there and why, they make a new home for themselves and encounter new friends, including Mo, the ...
doctor who版阿甘妙世界(不是)Centrium的设定很新奇,非常喜欢主角团在Hive的日常,虽然叫Elliott from earth但是停留在earth上的时间只有第一集,个人感觉是最无聊的一集,就是俗套的穿越剧情,撑过这一集就开始有趣了 最喜欢的角色是Frankie,Elliott似乎还有另一个妈妈,随便瞎猜一下难道是Frankie的妹妹或者同性恋人?这一集埋了很多线,但是还没真正开始讲故事的样子,超级惹人好奇啊啊啊,期待第二季😭 因为主创团队继承自gumball所以经常有一些幻视,比如Nara和甘宝里Carrie的设定真的好像啊,carrie的cv似乎还是nara cv的姐姐。Idiosyncratic Induction和Memory Mayhem这两集是本季个人最佳
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